Mindfulness Resources
You'll see the following resource again in the "Make Your Own Kit" page, but here are some suggested ways to stay mindful and present as a practice, while you engage in crochet:
Think about what mindfulness means to you
Keep your mind focused on the present
Let your worries go and focus on the steps
There are 4 main movements in crochet, use these movements to. . .
Think of 4 positive words/affirmations about
Yourself~Your World~Indoors~Outdoors~Family~Things You Love~
What you aspire to/want to be~Gratitudes~Things you want to let go of~Nature~
You can write a silly or special poem, song, or create a rhyme
My Mindfulness Liaison was helpful in steering me towards a great resource for a specific practice in mindfulness which is within the DBT or Dialectal Behavior Therapy model. I am providing a graphic here for simplicity, but feel free to look into DBT/Dialectical Behavior Therapy and research any number of websites for resources and information. Credit for this graphic goes to https://dialecticalbehaviortherapy.com/mindfulness
My project does not endorse any one specific means of mindfulness, nor am I suggesting you pay for any class or membership, but I do want to provide some resources if you're looking to get started with mindfulness as a practice that you use with your own crochet. Keep in mind, mindfulness and crochet are for everyone, at any age. During my project I specifically focused on a group of a certain age, in order to provide a tool in the emotional tool-kit for children local to my community, but my hope is this online resource will be used by anyone who enjoys crochet and can use the art of mindfulness in their lives.
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