How to build your own kit

 If you would like to create an UNWIND Kit in your own school, library, community center, or anywhere else you think they could be useful, I am providing the steps below.  UNWIND is not just about grounding and mindfulness, but also about literally unwinding the project when you are done, and putting it back in the kit for another person to use.  The Social Worker at one school suggested something I hadn't thought of, which was to send out the QR code to have children (and adults) learn the steps of crochet at home, then be able to use the kits when needed, or desired, at school with the booklet as a support and not for initial instructional purposes.  This will keep the project as it is meant to be: a way to UNWIND because there is previous knowledge of how to use the tool, while using it on campus.  It also creates other people in a child's life who are familiar with the steps (maybe a parent, sibling, or caregiver at home, or even their own teachers).  The idea is that if a child wants to keep their project they either bring personal yarn from home, or that you would work with a PTA group to run a yarn drive each school year, or another entity for donations. 

Each Kit Requires: Pouch to hold contents, 1 hook, 1 ball of yarn, a booklet for the project, if desired you can place several kits and some extra yarn, in a bin.  I chose one that was 16x20x8


Hook a size 4.5 or 5 is ideal 

Small Ball of Yarn 

(I used this yarn for my daycamp and it was more than enough for any of the projects you will see on this page, but I also used a yarn ball winder to turn large skeins into manageable sized yarnballs) 

Laminated booklet 

Thermal Paper (buy or borrow a small laminator)

1" Book Rings 

And a DRILL to drill through the booklets 

with the following Pages

"Unwind" Page 

"What's in this Kit?" 

Emotions Check-in Page (you can create your own, I used free printable from Simple Practice and printed 2/page for the right size for the booklet)

*Note: You may need to play with the sizes and positioning of each of these booklet items.  I did a 2-sided document layout and had to work to line things up front to back (which is how the first four pages are currently formatted) then I had to measure to remove margins on the sides and top/bottom to create a booklet that could be laminated into 5.5x7 to fit into the pouch. 

**I do not receive any benefit for affiliate links.  I am only sharing the products we used for this project. 


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