I Couldn't Have Done it Without You!
I'd like to thank the following people and entities:
Paige Shaw, my Gold Project Advisor! Without Paige's quick action any time I called on her to connect me with my local school district, my project would have fallen flat several times over. Her encouragement, support, and kind words throughout my project were always right on time.
Jennifer Allen who helped me connect with Mindfulness ideas and resources.
Julia Moench Parent, a local therapist and friend, who sat down with me to talk about the impacts of mindfulness as therapy and healing and who may use this project in the future.
Jennifer Clark who has helped spearhead the sustainability of my project through her work with the school district PTA and connecting me to others who were willing to commit to annual yarn drives in the schools where my kits are housed.
My family for continuing to encourage me forward through my project, especially my mom, who kept me on track and ensured the dates were always on the calendar.
Sierra Shaw who has connected me to the Social Workers in each of the Murray School District Schools and who supported my project by getting the word out to each of them.
All of the Murray School District Social Workers and partners who work in the Wellness/Zen Rooms at each school. Each of the Social Workers: Michelle, Heather, Chelsea, Cole, Topher, Alex, and Cindy, have been huge supports when we've met together to discuss the project. They've given me inspiration, reignited my excitement, and have given me hope that this project will affect lives and be used as a tool for the children in their schools for years to come.
I am so appreciative of my students, who met with me over the summer to learn about crochet and mindfulness, and to the Murray Library workers, who provided a safe place for us to learn. Your energy and excitement made all the difference when it came to teaching, and I am so glad to have gotten the experience to work with you all.
Lastly, I would also like to thank the Girl Scout Leaders who have helped me along my Journey as a Girl Scout since 2011 thirteen years: Melissa K, Melissa C, Melissa B, Megan, Lindsey, and my Mother, Timbra. My Troop not only supported me all of these years, they also financially supported part of this project, for which I am grateful. Nicole Athens and the Mt. Olympus Service Unit/Community Leadership Team is also on my thank you list. They've financially and emotionally supported this project over the past year!
The commitments from all of the people mentioned above, to start and continue this project have made all the difference, and I'm so glad I was able to get the support I needed to make UNWIND a reality!
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